Another great way to add psyllium husk to your diet is to use it to make pancakes.
Yesterday I made some pancakes using eggs, banana, psyllium husk and a spoonful of labneh. Labneh is a kind of thick yoghurt, which is quite like a cream cheese, and adding something like this to the mixture can make the pancakes a little lighter and fluffier. You could try experimenting with other similar foods, such as ricotta, yoghurt or even sour cream or kefir. You can make pancakes just using eggs with a little banana - but they tend to be a bit more delicate and prone to fall apart! Whilst we usually advise against too much banana, when you make pancakes you might only use one banana to make pancakes for several people - it adds a nice flavour without adding too many carbs.
In our house we're quite keen on American-style pancakes, so adding some bacon, along with blueberries and cream tends to be quite popular!